lame yahoo toolbar froze my computer

I clicked too fast installing the CCleaner and installed the lame toolbar.

I was uninstalling it and some glb83.exe or something similar wanted to go on the internet, so I was about to say no and my desktop went black and my mouse froze.

NOT my idea of fun.

May I suggest that you take care when installing ANY software.

The option to install the toolbar or not is clearly listed.

yes i never install it, but i was too fast clicking next and it was too late.

But freezing my computer getting rid of the yapoo toolbar is not necessary is it?

yes i never install it, but i was too fast clicking next and it was too late.

But freezing my computer getting rid of the yapoo toolbar is not necessary is it?

No it is not necessary.

When you uninstall don't be surprised if something tries to connect to the INTERNET just let the uninstall do it's thing.

Are you still having problems ?

:) davey

I'd also suggest, for further builds of CCleaner to use the Other Builds Link and using The Slim version (No Yahoo Toolbar bundle) or the Portable Version (Use on Multiple desktops, run it from a secondary or even network drive, no messy registry, simple delete to unistall (a la Macintosh) )

This may help, but you may have to reinstall the toolbar if it's a failed uninstall.

Toolbar Uninstaller:

Thank you for the links and info.

I used the cleaner for some years, it's great a I recommend it all the time.

The computer freezing is not a welcome sight, and nor a regular one.

Seems the toolbar is back under a rock where it belongs.

No harm done.

Nice to see a level of professionalism on the forum also, nice!

This may help, but you may have to reinstall the toolbar if it's a failed uninstall.

Toolbar Uninstaller:

I was puzzled why it did not detect the Google and SiteAdvisor Toolbars I have installed.
I was puzzled why it did not detect the Google and SiteAdvisor Toolbars I have installed.

Most likely cause these are whitelisted by the program (check Options > White-list)


Most likely cause these are whitelisted by the program (check Options > White-list)


I don't have anything in the White list


I think that it should operate the way CCleaner operates when selecting which cookies to keep.

I don't have anything in the White list


I think that it should operate the way CCleaner operates when selecting which cookies to keep.

You are right YoKenny, sorry, i spoke too early.

Indeed is not clear how it does work. Clicking the 'Black-List' button shows

just seven black-listed (by default?) toolbars only. I though these should be

the only ones it detect as installed, most likely i'm wrong...


I was puzzled why it did not detect the Google and SiteAdvisor Toolbars I have installed.

I wish I could give you an answer, but I've never used it. The lad who wrote the program was posting on here at the time he was developing it, and I've had it bookmarked ever since.

If nothing else, I suppose it's there as a last resort with a problem toolbar. Of course if he still pays an occassional visit here (sorry, can't remember his user name), he might offer some enlightment.

Edit: I've just noticed the questions posted in their forum.

I clicked too fast installing the CCleaner and installed the lame toolbar.

I was uninstalling it and some glb83.exe or something similar wanted to go on the internet, so I was about to say no and my desktop went black and my mouse froze.

NOT my idea of fun.

I also had this problem, and it disabled Internet Explorer 7.0. After uninstalling it, the browser worked again. I strongly recommend a better warning during the install process. This was an unwelcome event. CC Clearner needs to understand that to protect its brand it cannot go around smashing people'e browser software.

I also had this problem, and it disabled Internet Explorer 7.0. After uninstalling it, the browser worked again. I strongly recommend a better warning during the install process. This was an unwelcome event. CC Clearner needs to understand that to protect its brand it cannot go around smashing people'e browser software.

It's very Obvious if you do a slow careful custom install and tell it not to install it. Piriform need to make money some how to provide us with the wonderful free tools they give us. Bundling a well known and safe (though annoying) toolbar is the way they see best to make money with out charging us.

Instead "strongly recommend"ing something to a developer that has been nothing but wonderful to you, why not strongly take control of your computing skills and PAY ATTENTION when installing anything (Java and Acrobat Reader bundle too; did you go yell at Sun and Adobe for this???). Not only that, but Piriform has nicely (probably to the chagrin of yahoo) built not one Two version that don't carry the Toolbar: Slim and Portable.

HAHA The Old Nergal returns for an Encore B)