Killzone 2

This is the crazyiest thing I have ever seen! The graphics from this game look like the final fantasy movie! The XBOX 360 dosent stand a chance!

Click the below link and watch the trailer for killzone 2 and be prepared to pick your jaw up off of the floor.

Never seen anything uglier then that ... really ...

Never seen anything uglier then that ... really ...

Obviously you didnt really watch the trailor. If you did than you would know that their isnt a game that even comes close to that right now. If you have or played something with better graphics than that, please tell me the specs of the PC you were playing on (I know their isnt a console that can do that right now). Also tell me what game you were playing.

I didnt played any game, and no didnt watched a trailor, my opinion is: this game suck ... it just does, I dont like the GFx.

I didnt played any game, and no didnt watched a trailor, my opinion is: this game suck ... it just does, I dont like the GFx.

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and what did that trailor or game have to do with Gfx(I am assuming you are talking about a vido card).

What does anyone else who is a gamer here think about the game?

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and what did that trailor or game have to do with Gfx(I am assuming you are talking about a vido card).

What does anyone else who is a gamer here think about the game?

GFX = Graphics - the ingame graphics ...

Well, ok, lets take my little brother - he said the game looks ok .. (3 years old) only need some bigger guns like bazooka

My other 19 yrs old brother said the game rocks ...

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and what did that trailor or game have to do with Gfx(I am assuming you are talking about a vido card).

What does anyone else who is a gamer here think about the game?

Looks awesome to me. I think someone else has a bad video card/monitor.

Since I'm on a dial-up I won't even bother.


Just when everyone thought the XBOX 360 was impressive a surprise was unveiled on Fox News (last week) when they interviewed the President of Sony Computer Entertainment U.S. he made these statements about the PS3:

"35x more powerful than the PS2."

"Twice as powerful as its competition."

"Compatible with the PSP."

"Backwards compatible with PSone, and PS2 titles."

"Will be released Spring 2006."

> Looks awesome to me. I think someone else has a bad video card/monitor.

:\ no ? Coz the GFx looks cool to you doesnt mean it looks cool to me, I hate that ... never played that game - dont even want to ...

the graphic looks nice... how about the game itself...?

the graphic looks nice... how about the game itself...?

That movie is in game footage. The opening sequence where they are flying are in game cut scenes but the combat part is real time. At least thats what sony says ;) . But if it is true this game will have the best graphics ever, probably better than most CGI movies. If you are into games checkout the rest of that site where the link is. That site (gamespot) is one of the best places to get info on new games for any console and the PC. They even have pics and movies of every game!

I thaught the graphics were pre-rendered?

Anyway, I think this is Sony's answer to Halo

I thaught the graphics were pre-rendered?

Anyway, I think this is Sony's answer to Halo

Halo looks and plays rather childish in my opinion.

Halo looks and plays rather childish in my opinion.

THANK YOU! I have telling this to people ever since the first one came out. Good FPS games are Unreal Tournament 2004, Half Life 2, and Call of Duty. Also AA is cool for a free game.

THANK YOU! I have telling this to people ever since the first one came out. Good FPS games are Unreal Tournament 2004, Half Life 2, and Call of Duty. Also AA is cool for a free game.

I never said Halo is better than any of those games.

All I meant was that Halo is immensely popular on Xbox and that Sony might be trying to match that with Killzone on PS3

BTW, why so harsh on Halo?

I never said Halo is better than any of those games.

All I meant was that Halo is immensely popular on Xbox and that Sony might be trying to match that with Killzone on PS3

BTW, why so harsh on Halo?

Sorry, I just get tired of all of the people who act like halo is the best game ever. Sure its a fun game it just isnt the best out there. Also even online halo is good but not the best. I think Unreal 2004 has the best online modes for a FPS.

If you want a demo of unreal 2004 get this, it dosent even expire and has some of the best levels of the full game.

I never said Halo is better than any of those games.

All I meant was that Halo is immensely popular on Xbox and that Sony might be trying to match that with Killzone on PS3

BTW, why so harsh on Halo?

I got it, I've played through some of it and I just find it stupid. I mean c'mon, how can you take a game seriously when the enemies are midgets that yell "HE'S EVERYWHERE!" and "HE'S UNSTOPPABLE!!"

Sorry, I just get tired of all of the people who act like halo is the best game ever. Sure its a fun game it just isnt the best out there. Also even online halo is good but not the best. I think Unreal 2004 has the best online modes for a FPS.

If you want a demo of unreal 2004 get this, it dosent even expire and has some of the best levels of the full game.

I love Doom 3 (expansion is awesome too!) and I have yet to play Unreal 2 on this pc (had it on my old one but it was tough, cause it wanted a bit more for the recommended than the minimum.)

AA 2.4.0 is junk though, I redownloaded AA 2.3.0.

nod 32 and Tarun. do either one of you play games other than fps's. Also Tarun check out these movies from FF advent children (I assume from your avatar).

nod 32 and Tarun. do either one of you play games other than fps's. Also Tarun check out these movies from FF advent children (I assume from your avatar).

I do, but FPS on pc is my fav. I love RPG's though.

Seen everything about Advent Children from the official site.

I do, but FPS on pc is my fav. I love RPG's though.

Seen everything about Advent Children from the official site.

I'm right their with you. FPS's were made for the pc. But off my PC I like games like metal gear solid, madden, gran turismo, street fighter, Soul Calibur, and Onimusha. Also that new Resident Evil 4 is unbelievable looking (I'm waiting for the ps2 version).

I'm not a big fan of the turn based RPG's.