Keyboard not working & no sound


I ran ccleaner on my Dell Studio laptop yesterday to tidy up my registry.

However, when I rebooted my keyboard did not work and there was no sound (mouse seems to work fine though).

This is a BIG problem as I need to enter my password to get into Windows Vista.

I did create a system restore point before I ran ccleaner and also chose the backup registry option in ccleaner.

However, I didn't envisage not being able to use the keyboard afterwards!!

Is it possible that the drivers been removed?

Is there any way to get back into Windows...easily??!!

I'm using my old desktop at the moment, but any help would be greatly appreciated as I have some important files on my laptop that I really cannot afford to lose.


First thing I can think of to try would be to shut down your laptop and uplug it.

Take out the battery for a few minutes and then put it back in. Restart the laptop and then plug in the power cord.


I tried your suggestion about removing the battery soon after it happened yesterday without any joy (I had an issue with a previous Dell, apparently caused by static build up).

I've just tried it again this morning and still no joy.

By the way, the touchpad doesn't work either.


I take it you are unable to get into safe mode?

Any usb keyboards lying round your house anywhere?

Its nice to know I'm thinking along the same lines as you LOL!!

I can't get past my login screen so no safe mode option.

I have two keyboards in the house but unfortunately both old style connectors!

If I can get a USB keyboard, what would be the way forward with regards to getting my keyboard / sound / touchpad working again?


Well for starters I would either try restoring the ccleaner reg backup and rebooting, and if that didn't work then system restore.

Then if still no joy there's always a Vista repair install or downloading drivers onto a cd from the dell website and running the cd.

But you can try the easy things first :)

Many thanks for your help so far.

I'm gonna track down a USB keyboard and I will no doubt be back here later today to update with my progress (good or bad! LOL)

Wish me luck!!

Okay...I've been out and bought a USB keyboard today, so I'm working from my Dell laptop again :)

Firstly, I looked for the CCleaner backup file, but it is nowhere to be found (I DEFINITELY chose to backup my registry when prompted during the clean!!!)!

Then I did a system restore from a point immediately prior to the clean, but this made no difference.

I then looked at Device Manager to check for exclamation marks, with the following results:

Standard PS/2 keyboard [built-in laptop keyboard].....code 39

Dell Touchpad.....code 39

Broadcom Netlink Gigabit Ethernet.....code 19

[cmz vmkd] Virtual Bus.....code 39

Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver.....code 19

I believe code 39s are driver issues, so do I try to track these down on the Dell web site? (I also have the original driver DVD that came with the laptop).

However, code 19s refer to registry issues, so I am sure that CCleaner caused these. Will a driver repair / reinstall fix the registry issues? Or is this more complicated?

Finally, I am a little concerned about the "Virtual Bus" issue, as it is not simply a driver that I can reinstall, so I don't know how to fix this.

Any help would be appreciated greatly.


If you pretend that you are going to do another reg clean using ccleaner, and then when it asks you if you want to save it, it will suggest the same place as your last one was saved to (you can then cancel the clean)

Just in case it comes up with a location you may have missed.

As for the driver issues etc I think you may have to go down the repair/uninstall/reinstall route, unless anyone else has anymore ideas.

Have you tried running system file checker as well?

A CCleaner registry backup is named like this "cc_20100901_214844.reg" where 20100901 is the date. Unless you renamed it.

If all else fails you can do a windows explorer search for cc_ and for .reg.

I just searched for files with name containing CC_,.reg on c:\ drive and found a ton of them. Not all are created by ccleaner, so be sure before you restore them.

I would like to know how it goes, if you have time.