Keyboard not behaving

Seem to have a problem with the arrow keys on my keyboard lately, they all work OK when pressed once, and the left and down will enable the cursor to move repeatedly when held.

But if I hold the up or right key they move once and that is it, they just will not repeat.

This happens in any application, so I am assuming it is a setting problem somewhere, but I cant find where.

It has been happening for a while now, but is really getting tedious now.

Any ideas anyone.

Seem to have a problem with the arrow keys on my keyboard lately, they all work OK when pressed once, and the left and down will enable the cursor to move repeatedly when held.

But if I hold the up or right key they move once and that is it, they just will not repeat.

This happens in any application, so I am assuming it is a setting problem somewhere, but I cant find where.

It has been happening for a while now, but is really getting tedious now.

Any ideas anyone.

Almost sounds like StickyKeys is enabled.

Control Panel > Accessability.

Scroll through all the tabs and make sure all the "Use xxxx" are unchecked.

No joy with that one,

Still have the problem.

It cant be the keyboard if one keypress works ok can it?

Surely this means the key is functioning OK.

I do normally take it apart every so often and give it a good wash in the kitchen sink but have not done that for a while maybe I should.

No joy with that one,

Still have the problem.

It cant be the keyboard if one keypress works ok can it?

Surely this means the key is functioning OK.

I do normally take it apart every so often and give it a good wash in the kitchen sink but have not done that for a while maybe I should.

I've neverheard of anyone washing thier keyboard in the sink before :huh: . Has this been a recent problem or has it been that way since you got your pc? Try going to the "printer and other hardware" section in the control panel and just playing around with the settings of your keyboards. Your right though it does sound like a configuration problem and not the keyboard itself.

I shoulda thought of this first. ;)

Control Panel > Keyboard

Repeat Delay -> Short

Repeat Rate -> Fast

Take them all the way to the right. :D


It is a fairly recent problem, the keyboard is about 3 years old, the problem is about 2 months old.

The cleaning the keyboard in the sink came about when I spilled lager in to another one years ago, and all the keys just stuck, I was in a time of need so I took it apart and cleaned it, and it was like brand new so I have done it ever since.

I do also have a habit of taking things apart, just for fun, my brother wont let me near anything of his anymore. Most of the time things go back together ok, sometimes you end up with some left over bits, I just think they are surplus to requirements anyway.

Took my wifes hairdryer to bits the other week, put it back together, had a few bits left over, threw them away, it still works ok.

To anyone else reading this:

Please take care if it is electrical, electricity hurts.

I know because I am an electrician, and I have had my share of shocks.

Back to the subject now,


that did not work either.

This is what my keyboard settings look like

You all should have known from the initial description that none of your suggestions would work...! Down repeats, but not up? Come on, how could setting the repeat rate faster alleviate this :P

At any rate, looks like I'm the only one who finds this situation *extremely wrong* (and no dumb control panel setting is going to fix this).

Do these crazy things (because crazy is how I work magic) :

1) Test your keyboard on a mate's computer.

2) Try it in safe mode. Yeah it's dumb... but try it anyway.

3) Right click My Computer, Manage, Device Manager. Right-click-and-remove the keyboard listing, and click Action>Scan for hardware changes (or reboot the PC).

4) Replace the keyboard (keyboard controller's matrix sounds like it's fuct anyway).