Kerio Firewall

I don't see many of you mention this program but I'm curious if any of you have tried it.

Personally I think its probably one of the easiest to use firewalls. With its network shield its perfect for those on laptops.

Its not that much of a resource hog and it barely ever asks you to do anything.

If I was going to use a free firewall that was easy to use and didn't bother me all the time it would be kerio. :D (although ZA free is pretty gtood as well)

If you want a mega in depth firewall get jetico.(but its not for the faint of heart. :D)

Anyway if your on the fence about using a firewall or which one to use I suggest you give kerio a shot.

The free version is feature packed and the stuff its missing you probably wouldn't want anyway.

I've used it before and almost purchased it when Sunbelt Software took it over and had some lapse in sanity of its pricing and was offering it for like $14.95 or thereabouts. It's an o.k. software-based firewall, but I wouldn't seriously use it unless I paid for it so that the advanced features like HIPS could be used which aren't available in the freeware mode.

If you scroll down on the main page there is a chart with the differences between the two.

I personally would just disable the hips portion anyway. :P I can't handle something notifiying me 20 times just when opening a browser. :D

The one in a firewall that I was beta testing was making me insane. The program was online armour and the firewall was asking for active x permission when I would use firefox on youtube. <_<

I mainly just put this topic up to remind people about this program. Its very good and it might just be what some of you are looking for. :D

It can be installed in a mode that won't ask much of anything once it's running, although I don't believe that's a fully secure mode to run it in.

Although I agree, I also don't want a firewall that's intrusive asking me a bunch of questions about if this and that o.k. as I'm not that paranoid yet when launching an application. Probably the reason I use Windows Firewall because it doesn't bother me one bit albeit it doesn't have outbound filtering - but then again a sophisticated modern malware could go through a firewall and antivirus like a hot knife through butter.

The one in a firewall that I was beta testing was making me insane. The program was online armour and the firewall was asking for active x permission when I would use firefox on youtube. <_<

I found out that's what happens if you use the advanced mode, using standard it only asks the once. :)

Well I still have it on one of my desktops hazle so I will put it on standard.:P

(I hardly ever use that pc. Its mostly for friends/neighbors who come over and want to use the computer. :P)

Thanks for the info. :)

Personally I think its probably one of the easiest to use firewalls.

Those kinds of firewalls feels kinda toyish.

I prefer a little bit complex firewalls which offers the possibility for in-depth configuration and defining own rules so you can tune it how you want it, and get real tight security.

ps. iptables is the best thing since sliced bread.

Tried Kerio 2.1.5 a while back and it was good and light but conflicted with Perfectdisk when attempting an offline defrag.

As I have a hardware firewall all I really need is a softwall for outbound control.

Have also tried ZAP,Netveda,Comodo and a couple of others which are all decent firewalls.

ATM I'm using Look'n'Stop which seems to be working fine with one process at under 7 meg.

Kerio 2.1.5 wasn't a kiddie firewall it had to be properly configured. I do miss how that version worked configuration-wise when I had it on my Win98 system, however it never ran correctly on my XP system.

I've been using Sygate Personal Firewall for a long time, but after reading about Kerio in this thread I am tempted to try it. I am skeptical though about the software returning to "free" mode after 30 days...I can imagine it asking for registration or something at that point. Still, I think its worth trying out so thanks for the info!

I am skeptical though about the software returning to "free" mode after 30 days...I can imagine it asking for registration or something at that point.

It just disables certain features like HIPS, etc., I don't remember all it disables as it's been several months since I tried it. There may be a comparison on its homepage of registered vs free features. When I tried it and used it well past the 30 days it didn't bother me with any registration prompts, etc.

Note: For anyone interested in Kerio it only runs on Windows 2000 and XP!


Just noticed here if signing up with one of Sunbelt's TrialPay partners then Kerio is free. I don't know nothing else about it though as I haven't signed up.