Keep getting a popup window in lower right saying there is an update.

So I click on the link and it downloads and installs but the version number does not change. It is still 4.19.4867. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or it is a bug.

I have the same problem.

I suppose (hope) it's a bug, it occurs on all the computers !

Me too.

When I start CCleaner and click on <Check for updates...> I am told I already have the latest version.

Yes, if the last post describes everyone's issue then this is by design.

It says check for updates

This doesn't mean that an update is available, what you are seeing is just a simple hyperlink (weblink) permanently placed in that location.

Ok I'm wrong. I just got it too.

The developers read all threads but I'll make sure they are aware that the button shouldn't be there unless there's an update


Ok I'm wrong. I just got it too.

The developers read all threads but I'll make sure they are aware that the button shouldn't be there unless there's an update

attachicon.gifClick to update1.jpg

Thank you !

Devs are aware, and working on this

Some more reports on this matter: