
I think I screwed up royally! :blink: I am a new user to CCleaner and am probably even in the wrong forum (sorry if I am). Here's what happened: I scanned for "issues" and there were a ton of them. I merrily "fixed" all the "issues" and then noticed that ALL of the critical and non-critical updates that I had previously done from M$ Knowledge Base (KB) were GONE! They were not even listed in my CONTROL PANEL/ADD DELETE programs anymore. Does this mean that I actually deleted ALL of the M$ UPDATES? Or, are they still running around somewhere in my 'puter, but I just don't "see" them any longer?

Went to M$ Windows Update site and ran it to see if there were any new updates, but there were none; however, under "see your updates" they were all still listed.

I will be one unhappy camper if all of the critical updates from M$ were totally deleted. I did back-up, when asked, the registry, but I don't know how to get them BACK from the registry, either. By the way, today is the first day I used the "beta" version; I have been using the previous version prior to today and probably made the same mistrake there, too!

Please, please help me, Obi Won Kanobi!




I'm not Obi Won Kanobi, but this may help.

I think I screwed up royally! :blink: I am a new user to CCleaner and am probably even in the wrong forum (sorry if I am). Here's what happened: I scanned for "issues" and there were a ton of them. I merrily "fixed" all the "issues" and then noticed that ALL of the critical and non-critical updates that I had previously done from M$ Knowledge Base (KB) were GONE! They were not even listed in my CONTROL PANEL/ADD DELETE programs anymore. Does this mean that I actually deleted ALL of the M$ UPDATES? Or, are they still running around somewhere in my 'puter, but I just don't "see" them any longer?

Went to M$ Windows Update site and ran it to see if there were any new updates, but there were none; however, under "see your updates" they were all still listed.

I will be one unhappy camper if all of the critical updates from M$ were totally deleted. I did back-up, when asked, the registry, but I don't know how to get them BACK from the registry, either. By the way, today is the first day I used the "beta" version; I have been using the previous version prior to today and probably made the same mistrake there, too!

Please, please help me, Obi Won Kanobi!



You didn't screw up royally :) When you open CCleaner > Windows Tab > look under Advanced > Do you have Hotfix Uninstallers checked? The Hotfix Uninstallers are there to remove your updates, and since you don't want them removed you don't need the Uninstaller files.

Next open CCleaner > Issue Scanning Settings > do you have Installer checked? This should remove the installer package, not the files that were installed. The installer package isn't needed after it installs what you need.

Do this to calm your fears. Return to MS Updates and reveiw your history > pick one and write it down. Then on your computer click Start > Search > Advanced > Check subfolders and hidden folders > then type the update (KBxxx) and search. It should appear in C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\(update name).

Once you know that it's on your computer confirm it's in your registry. Click Start > Run > regedit.exe > OK. Please don't make changes unless you know what you're doing. Okay, now press Ctrl + F and type in name of the update KBxxx... it should be located.

Now you know that you're okay. Your computer is just cleaned of unnecessary crap. :)

Enjoy your better running computer!

If I overlooked any information rridgley will correct me later. ;)