Kaspersky Total Security - System Files

I use Kaspersky total security and the system files are heavly fragmented.

111 files 524Mb 1718 fragments.

None of these files can be defragmentated.

I get a message defrag aborted, no files defragmentated, Operation cannot be done.

Maybe these files can be defraged on a reboot operation.

This slows the program greatly having these files like that.

I would be nice to be able to defrag these files.

OK I just found out how to do about 1/2 of the files.

This Defraged about 44 of the 111 files. Better than Nothing. But there has to be a better way.

Right Click on the Kaspersky icon in the system tray

Click on settings

Select Additional in the left Pane

Select Self-Defense

Uncheck - Enable Self Defense

Run Defaggler

perhaps set the installed av-services to "manually" and deactivate autostart... without internetconnection

restart --> if it works, without av :-) perhaps release this the file protection through the av

and after defrag (maybe its succesfull) set av-services to defaults (automatic) and reactivate autostart

Select Boot time defrag,


When computer restarts Exit Kaspersky in the system tray.

Disable Internet Connection

Defrag - Now eveything will defrag :)

Restart Kaspersky and enable Self Defense.

I used Piriform Defraggler

nice to read :)then it has worked.

Yes worked nice, increased the performance a lot.

Kaspersky was starting to bog down my firefox browser.