Haven't tried this one as yet but is supposedly a free on demand scanner from Kaspersky similar to DR Web's Cureit.
Scan Your Computer with Kaspersky SOS
Installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus S.O.S. (Second Opinion Solution) does not require uninstalling any existing competitors antivirus products. You can then compare your current antivirus protection and a new Kaspersky solution and decide whether replacing your antivirus protection is necessary.
How to use:
1. Download and Install the kav6.0.3.837_sosen.exe package on the local machine with default settings. (Click Next on every option to accept default settings and choose the Complete button for a full install)
2. Run an Update in the Kaspersky SOS software. (This is the virus signature definitions update and needs internet connection)
3. Run a full scan to detect and remove any malware that has not been found or disinfected by the other vendor?s anti-virus.
Ok this thing is nothing like dr.web cure it. Cure it is just a .exe scanner this thing is basically KAV6 without real time protection. It will autoupdate, run automatic scans, ect. I wish they would have just offered the whole thing like they did with aol instead of this but its better than nothing.
On the plus side since it doesn't have real time I can tell people to use it without bothering to have them uninstall whatever crap they are using.
One thing I hate about KAV though is that they make you reboot after every little update.
In essence, kaspersky SOS is for business user, the website is misleading , it actually expires after 30 days!
There is however a free version coming for home users and it's called Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.
I've blogged about it before. But it is not like cureit, in that it requires installation and will even install a service. It even self-protects itself so it can't be shut down! You actually have to disable selfprotection before the uninstaller will work, something that threw a lot of users when they tried to uninstall but couldn't!