Kamo blocking web site(s)

I have trouble accessing a specific web site in all my web browsers (Firefox, Edge, Chrome) and only on PC where Kamo service is enabled and the given browser has 'Browser Protected' option on. Quitting the Kamo app does not resolve the issue. Turning off the 'Browser Protected' option for the specific browser or more extremely disabling the Kamo service resolves the access issue. If the program developers cannot pinpoint the specific characteristic of the site that is causing the problem, could they at least add a reporting function that identifies the internet site name they are blocking so that we can add them to the web site exclusion list (assuming that list can be used for this purpose). Without the reporting function, the user does not know what site is being blocked. In my case the user friendly web name appears to redirect to a computer service provider and then routed to the appropriate company server based on the company the service is providing computing services for and the location of the customer trying to access the site. The esoteric name of the service provider site is not visible in the browser and can only be ascertained by using a network connection utility.

I have no problem accessing the site using any of my mobile devices or on any of my computers where Kamo not installed.

The site is part of a large corporation which has websites for each of their different branded stores. All of the sites have different web addresses but all are not accessible because they are probably using the same computer service provider.

For all I know there may be other sites that have this issue that I haven't run across them yet.

I don't want to solve this problem by uninstalling Kamo, or turn off protection for a specific browser. I want a tool that identifies the site blocked so I can put it in an exclusion list and if you identify the specific action the site is performing that you are blocking, if the action is indeed malicious, we can contact the customer service of the company and make them aware of our dissatisfaction with their action.

6 hours ago, Muse2All said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I have trouble accessing a specific web site  in all my web browsers (Firefox, Edge, Chrome) and only on PC where Kamo service is enabled and the given browser has 'Browser Protected' option on. Quitting the Kamo app does not resolve the issue. Turning off the 'Browser Protected' option for the specific browser or  more extremely disabling the Kamo service resolves the access issue.

Although it may be a false positive, if the browser protections in more than one browser are blocking it then there is probably a reason for that.

(Although it may be as simple a reason as them still using the old 'http://' rather than the more secure 'https://', or possibly a SSL that needs renewing).

Have you tried entering the URL(s) in question into VirusTotal to get a wider opinion from the major AV providers?

If you haven't used VT before then just enter the URL to be checked in the box at this link and click on the spyglass at the right of the box to scan it:


For example this is the result of a scan of this forums URL. (https://community.ccleaner.com)image.png

The result (in that green circle) shows that it was scanned with 93 AV/AM engines and none of them regard it as malicious. (It gives details for each scanning engine below that, but I didn't clip those). Also check the date on the right for when the URL was last scanned and if it's getting old use the refresh icon above it to do a new scan.

As you can see I did a fresh scan today at 04:06:53 UTC. (because the last time someone scanned for it was 9 months ago).

Thank you for the suggestion.

I am familiar with Virustotal and have used it in the past to analyze files but didn't realize that it can also analyze urls. Good thing to know. A troubleshooting tool that I can use in the future.

I submitted both the primary url and the url that the primary redirects to (the host of the connection while the Kamo lock is taking place), performed a reanalyze to make more current analysis, and neither url had a single hit. I don't know how deep the analysis is. For all I know, Kamo is objecting to another url redirect with in the page of the connection, a url that I have no knowledge of. The fact is that a given page contains a truckload of host connections that are being accessed to build the page, and I have no way of knowing which, if any, are the problem.

I am hesitant to post here the urls that are at issue in this public arena for you to try. If they are Kamo false positives, I do not wish that to reflect on the company that I am a customer of.

I recognize this is a community forum and you may or may not have direct communication with the Kamo support/development staff, but I would like to make them aware of the need for a feature to be added to the program that presents a warning notification or log entry that identifies the specific url/connection that is being blocked and what action by that web page is the reason for the block.

I employ other security programs and they all provide those functions and therefore it is very simple to make a judgement call about the validity of the block and provides me the customer with enough information to ask the target company to resolve the issue if they want my business.

I am also going to have have a closer look at how Kamo is functioning. I was aware that it was doing some magic behind the scenes to make it more difficult to identify my browser/location but I was not aware that it was capable of actively blocking a site, and without notification at that.

In the meantime I have several workarounds. I have several computing platforms, pc and mobile, that are not running Kamo that continue to provide access to the site in question; and I have the option of disbling Kamo temporarily/permanently on my primary/preferred computer.

Again, thank you for your assistance.

I see no reason why you cannot post the link here on forum for us to look at, just de-link it from being a live link just in case.

Also this is quite a handy link to have as well.


I used the urlvoid link to check urls and no hits.

The NoVirusThanks site, which URLVoid is a branch of, has a truckload of useful tools which I anticipate using in the future for troubleshooting. Thanks for suggesting the site.

And also thank for identifying the Piriform support information. I will contact them and see if they are receptive to adding more information reporting/notification to Kamo to make it easier to identify/troubleshoot blocks/false positives.