
Hey i just found a program i heard about a long time ago called kazaa lite it supposed to be just like kazaa but it is not supposed to be filled with spyware. Has anyone tried this or if you want to i can post the link

i used it before... but that was years back...

Any good?

err... application dont come with spyware/adware... can? but be careful with what you are downloading... sometimes you may get things that not you want...

IIRC the p2p network that Kaaza connects to isnt secure at all. there's a problem with how the network identifies the files(prolly due to very bad hashing) meaning that if you download an mp3, you might accidently download a virus. i dont think i will ever use any client that connects to FastTrack

also check this out. http://www.filesharingguide.com/fasttrack.htm

I have the install .exe for the last clean version of K-Lite (2.4.3). I only use it for downloading music. Always worked like a champ. I can email out a copy if you want it.

I usually look for more obscure and older music. Problem is, K-Lite's network isn't nearly as large as it once was (to say the least). I use Limewire for my music searches now. I can't find something right away, then I'll check on K-Lite.

Actually, I'll probably uninstall K-Lite and save the install .exe in case I need to fire it up again. Shareaza's always an option too.

* Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.

very sorry won't happen again. :)

my home town starting to catch and fine people downloading music files... i read in the newspaper few weeks back... 3 people got fine...

Just about every modern country is going to start cracking down on music pirates. In the US the RIAA has just fined someone $6,000.

edit: according to wikipedia

It should be noted that sharing copied music is legal in many other countries, such as Canada, and parts of Europe, provided that this information is neither advertised, nor that the songs be sold.
everyone move to canada

got to pack my bags!!

It don't think it'll take too long for laws to appear in Canada either.

i guess so...