Hi all,
Had a bit of a dumb moment and accidentally deleted a partition. Ran Recuva, and it found the $mft file along with a bunch of other files beginning with '$'.
It says they are in excellent condition, and recoverable. Do I just undelete them?
Normally with recovery, I recover onto a different drive. But I take it I need the $mft table so the disk can read the files on there.
Hi Graham, and welcome to Piriform.
Anything recovered with Recuva (or any other similar program) has to be recovered to another drive or partition. You can't undelete stuff as though you were restoring from the Recycle Bin. Recuva will not place files back into their original locations.
But, if you haven't done anything since deleting that partition, why don't you try to "undelete" it. That, you can do ...
Partition Recovery: (how to)
Download from here ...
You can also try ...
EASEUS Partition Recovery:
EASEUS Partition Recovery is a handy and reliable application designed to help users to recover deleted or lost partitions. It can solve the partition loss problems including partition deleted by accident, partitions lost due to virus attack, partitioning error or any other problems.
Hope that helps.