Just a thank you note

Dear Sir,

Today I decided to try your new program Speccy. After I installed the program on my computer. The CPU temperature was displaying 100 degrees. I understand this is highly abnormal. So I did a quick search online for advice. Opinions stated, a poorly seated CPU or a dirty fan and cooler. I immediately removed the CPU and fan and cooler and cleaned the fan and cooler and reapplied CPU paste and reseated the CPU. The CPU was originally installed by proffesional system builder. But I suspect wasnt seated correctly. The CPU tempurature is now a steady 50 degrees. If it hadnt been for your program I would not have noticed this alarming issue. I would like to sincerely thank you for providing such excellent software.

kind regards

Andrew W

Nice that speccy has helped you with this, and thanks for taking the trouble to post about it.

Welcome to the forum Andrew :)

Glad to here. The best thing about Speccy, as with all programs from Piriform, is that it is a simple program that does the job with no extra clutter.

Just as a double check, SpeedFan is a dedicated utility for monitoring the temperatures. http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php . See if you get close temperatures.


I've been using SpeedFan for awhile. When Speccy was installed the two programs matched readings for HDD and CPU. Then a week ago SpeedFan stopped providing the HDD reading, so now rely on Speccy.

Has anyone here also experienced SpeedFan failure?

Has anyone here also experienced SpeedFan failure?

Also used it for some time, but no failure that you mention. Try re-downloading and installing maybe.


Just as a double check, SpeedFan is a dedicated utility for monitoring the temperatures. http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php . See if you get close temperatures.



Thanks for the info about SpeedFan. See my post of 3rd March - I don't get CPU or MotherBoard temps/fan speeds with Speccy, but SpeedFan provides all I need.


P.S. Sorry Piriform, I am switching to SpeedFan.

P.P.S Why did nobody answer my post?

I would also like to add my thanks, when helping around in game and on various forums i can now point people to this program so they know whats inside their PC to update their drivers, good little program!

Might be a worthy addition adding directx version and date.

I too would like to add my thanks.

After free applications like AIDA32 and Everest Home Edition went the way of the dinosaurs there wasn't a free alternative that I could use.

Speccy looks like it could fill this gap quite nicely.

Hopefully it goes from strength to strength.

Keep up the good work!