javascript issues


I have a customer who uses CCleaner and is having trouble with my website. She uses IE6 with SP2 and has intermittent problems with a javascript popup calendar on our website. Most of the time the calendar does not pop up and occaisionally it does.

Normally with intermittent problems like this I would suggest clearing the cache, but she has told me that she uses CCleaner and apparently clears it every evening with this.

I use exactly the same browser build # as she does and the calendar works perfectly every time for me. I also have not had any similar reports from anyone else. We have over five thousand members and if this was a general issue I would have expected someone else to have it as it is a very common browser.

I was wondering if CCleaner may have cleaned something else that can be making active content or javascript to be functioning intermittently like this.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Cleaning the (IE6) Browsers-Cache by CCleaner hasn?t got anything to do with the functionality of Java-Scripts (Pop-Ups) in general and it definately hasn?t got anything to do, in how far the Layout of your Website is displayed within any Browser.

IE6 provides over 79!!! different Java-Script configurations within its own IE6-Settings - and actually there are multiple free Progs.available that actually can "configure" those JS-Settings with just a single mouse-klick.

Concerning Pop-Ups on your Web-Site, maybe your friend has taken advantage of a separate Pop-Up-Blocker or a separate Optmizing-Programm that "works" in the background.

Just guessing...

Concerning your post, CCleaner here is not to blame...
