I still cant figure this out. I still cant play Youtube videos. Because it says I dont have the newest, or it is turned off. Once again I may have accidently uninstalled it or deleted it if thats possible.
I found 2 file folders in my computer under Java, & They both say there empty. Question # 1, can I reinstall it & from where? #2, is it the same as flash player & do I need to install that & also from where ? I have searched this forum & can,t find anything other than how to update it ,Which I have done. But I dont think You can update something that does,nt exist.
Can someone help me sort this out ? Thankyou. Cowboy
Thank,s JD. I downloaded what You said. & still no go. The java wont install, says I need to prove it exists, before it will open & install.
The flash player I,ve downloaded again, still never installed. I give up. I didn,t want to watch them anyway I was just irritated I couldn,t . I,m reasonably sure I changed, or uninstalled something I shouldn,t have trying to get rid of that netzero ISP that was constantly freezing My puter with flash ads . Thanks for your help. Cowboy
Thank,s JD. I downloaded what You said. & still no go. The java wont install, says I need to prove it exists, before it will open & install.
The flash player I,ve downloaded again, still never installed.
Definitely something strange going on there then, I actually reinstalled them both recently with no problem.
Though having said that I know what a pain it is as I also reinstalled Shockwave player and that now refuses to work in IE - always says it needs to install it, I install again and it still says it needs to install it. Haven't got any idea why, just have to open any Shockwave sites in Firefox.
Thank,s JD. I downloaded what You said. & still no go. The java wont install, says I need to prove it exists, before it will open & install.
The flash player I,ve downloaded again, still never installed. I give up. I didn,t want to watch them anyway I was just irritated I couldn,t . I,m reasonably sure I changed, or uninstalled something I shouldn,t have trying to get rid of that netzero ISP that was constantly freezing My puter with flash ads . Thanks for your help. Cowboy
Hi Cowboy,
I`ve just coincidently downloaded, saved first, and then opened and installed Java RE 6 without any problems.
What surprises me is that it doesn`t overwrite the previous versions. Maybe V6 is more of an update rather than an app. in itself.
Anyone ?? How can you have 3 versions installed at the same time.
V.5.0_5 is 151 mb
V.5.0_9 is 119mb
V.6 is 95.08mb
Can I now remove the earlier ones ? Or are they needed for version 6 to function ???
Another possibility for you cowboy is the Sun Download Manager. It may sort your problem out.
Ok, Just a quicky to thank, JD & Dennis. I finnaly got it sorted out, I was installing the small file. & thought I,d give the big (12.5mb) file a shot , & it installed & for some reason after that worked, I was able to install the flash player. Thanks again. & I finnaly got to watch that panda movie, fuuny stuff, Thanks Woody. Cowboy
Hi Cowboy, I'm glad you got everything sorted out . I have to agree with you though, Java and java flash are unnecessarily complicated. Until I came to this site I kept older versions of java on my system. These should be deleted. Go to control panel Add/ Remove and remove any old versions of Java other than the latest update.