Java and its 'other' installs

A rather unpleasant read of how Java installs other things via social engineering even when it updates.

The bit where it waits 10 minutes before Ask toolbar is allowed to show in Add/Removal program files removal list borders on malware techniques

I read an article about how it waits to install crapware just recently, I believe on Reddit.

Ask Toolbar, so many software houses include that lower than rubbish toolbar. I won't install anything that includes it anymore because sometimes they'll sneak it onto the system regardless.

Sadly, this is the "cost" of free software.

I don't actually mind any type of "extra" being offered in an install as long as I get an upfront and straightforward option to say no, but when there's something like a delay deliberately built into an install to cause the extras to be missed, then that's an entirely different thing.

Very sneaky.

Ask Toolbar, so many software houses include that lower than rubbish toolbar.

It is a bit more than "rubbish"; it is plain spyware.

P.S. interestingly I have not seen any 3rd-party software offers when I installed jre7u13 on about 5 computers over the last few days. These were both installations with the full installer download, and also with the automatic updater.

I wonder if Oracle dropped the add-on after ZDNet's initial article

I wonder if Oracle dropped the add-on after ZDNet's initial article

Let's hope so. Also remember to check add/remove programs list 10 mins after an update.

Let's hope so. Also remember to check add/remove programs list 10 mins after an update.

Perhaps as a result of the ZDNet article they have now increased the time delay from 10 minutes to 1 hour :o
