All ten counts, found not guilty.
I was just about to put this. I dont know about anyone else but that surprised the hell out of me. I think he did it but oh well. I give him 5 or 6 years before he's being accused again.
I was hoping for guilty too. Wonder how much/what the bribes were.
It had to be in the millions. Did you hear about the people who were on the jury? one of them was an 87 year old woman who's son was a convicted child molester. Another had childern who had been molested by their step fauther or something. I just dont get how he got away with it.
Does not take too many words to sum this up, celebrity status and money, (and possibly pretending to be sick), is a powerful combination.
Does not take too many words to sum this up, celebrity status and money, (and possibly pretending to be sick), is a powerful combination.
All I know is if I was on the jury 1 of 2 things would have happened.
1. He would have been convicted.
2. It would have been a hung jury and they would have had to do a retrial. That way it would have been harder for them to find a jury who didnt know all the facts.
Even in the UK I think he would have been found guilty, and our judges and jury are not generally found to be as harsh as those in the U.S.
Just hope the parents out there use some sense and keep their kids away from neverland anyway. They are probably as much in the wrong, almost anyway.
Since hes not found guilty in court, I hope that hes truly innocent.
I saw few minutes of the court thing on TV and it was silly. This mom who was accusing him was a total idiot. She said things like "Neverland Ranch is all about sex, drugs and alcohol", then you can wonder why she let her kids sleep over there...
Jay Leno is pretty mean, he makes jokes about Jackson every change he gets, its fun though...
Michael Jackson is $300Million in debt and only has $35K in the bank....Whooo...
Edited...By this time tomorrow the debt will be higher and the funds in the bank lower...
Since hes not found guilty in court, I hope that hes truly innocent.
I saw few minutes of the court thing on TV and it was silly. This mom who was accusing him was a total idiot. She said things like "Neverland Ranch is all about sex, drugs and alcohol", then you can wonder why she let her kids sleep over there...
Jay Leno is pretty mean, he makes jokes about Jackson every change he gets, its fun though...
Leno is cool but one butt ugly rich dude.... Funny though....
I wonder if Michael recycled all those tissue samples after plastic surgery? If we could recover his nose from Natchez, Ms. and his cheeks from Chicago, Ill. we could clean up on ebay.