I am just try to donwload the newest version of itunes 4.8 and it download but whne it is on my desktop the installer says it is a .dmg file and i can't installe it. Can any one help or amy i just being dumb and this is an easy problem to fix???
.dmg file or a damaged file ?
Try downloading it again ...
kk i will try downloading it again.
Try this link. I have a feeling you got the Mac OSX version.
ok i tried downloading it again but it was the same thing. it said it was a .dmg file. what to do? And it might just be be me but the link saying Invalid Request.
ok i tried downloading it again but it was the same thing. it said it was a .dmg file. what to do? And it might just be be me but the link saying Invalid Request.
I was right. You're downloading the Mac version. -.-
See where it says Windows 2000 or XP? Well click on the Option to the left of that text, then download.
Or use this Direct Link.
Ha thanks a bunch!! it works i had to use the direct link