Itunes backup question

Back in March 2014, I backed up my Iphone to the Itunes site to the Computer.

I have Windows 8.1, and in mid April, I had to clean my Windows PC to the factory settings

Is there a way to find these Itunes backup using Recuva?

thanks for any info


Hi Kelley, and welcome to the forum.

First thing, what do you mean by ...

I backed up my Iphone to the Itunes site

Is that an online (cloud) backup, and if so, is it not what you want?

Secondly, there's nothing to stop you scanning your drive, but if the return to factory settings was a destructive recovery (are they still done or even called that after XP?), then the drive would have been wiped before the reinstall of the Operating System.

That's the way XP worked and if it's still the same, then you have little chance I would think.

A non destructive recovery would have removed everything but your personal data, and I do believe iTunes music and settings files are stored in the "My Music" folder, which is recognized as personal data.

Win 8 may do things completely differently to the XP days, but you would need input from a Win 8 owning member.

Worth a try, but don't hold out too much hope is the best I can tell you.

thank you Dennis for your reply

yes this Windows 8 did a complete wipeout because when I reloaded Itunes, Itunes didn't even recognize my computer?? Said I didn't have any backups :blink:

I miss XP too, the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" should have applied to Microsoft.

Maybe there will be a new Windows OS that will be similar to the old XP? We can all hope...

The only chance you have Kelley, is if the reinstall of Windows produced a "windows.old" folder during the process.

An upgrade of windows usually does this, but I don't know about a factory reset. If it did the folder would be in the root directory probably, which is C:\. It would contain all the personal data from the previous install.

Other than that I think you're sadly out of luck.