It's not just happening in this forum

Occasionally the forum erupts into allegations of improper grammar, poor spelling etc. most recently in the "IMP" thread. I was chuckling at that and then found this on one of the local news websites:

"And if you just can't get no satisfaction when you have a consumer complaint, Call 7 for Help."


Hello, this is Mick Jagger and I need some help...

Occasionally the forum erupts into allegations of improper grammar, poor spelling etc. most recently in the "IMP" thread. I was chuckling at that and then found this on one of the local news websites:

"And if you just can't get no satisfaction when you have a consumer complaint, Call 7 for Help."


Hello, this is Mick Jagger and I need some help...

Obviously, it IS happening

It just did


i noes und3rstnd u wen u say dat

I dn'ot thnik you folks utdnresnad jsut how iortpnmat peopprr gearmmr and slelinpg is.

(I've got the Confuse! extenion for Firefox)

Nice i could still read it.....