It Seems To Have Erased Outlooks Memory Of Used E-mail Addresses

I've never encountered this apparent result of running CCleaner before, but it happened yesterday. I had just installed CCleaner on a customer's computer, and run a cleaning. Then the customer opened Outlook and noticed that it had lost its memory of e-mail addresses he uses. In other words, when creating a new mail, if there is someone one in the address book that one has previously e-mailed, as soon as one starts typing the address the programs takes a stab at guessing at the name you want.

I do not have this problem myself. CCleaner has never interferred with this feature of Outlook. But it happaned to this customer immediately after I ran CCleaner.

Can you think of a connection, and a way to prevent it from happening again?

Please cc to my e-mail address, if you will.


Gar White

That autocomplete list is saved in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Outlook.NK2.

AFAIK, CCleaner doesn't normally touch that file. Could you have somehow have erased or moved that file some other way?

FYI, Microsoft's suggested cleaning method of deleting entries manually does not appear to actually delete the entries ... it seems to merely toggle the entries to not display.