i am new to c cleaner .
i clicked on "issues" and up came several "missing dll!s " what do i do.. do i click on fix it. ?? i dont think i am experienced enough to start playing around with the registry
i am new to c cleaner .
i clicked on "issues" and up came several "missing dll!s " what do i do.. do i click on fix it. ?? i dont think i am experienced enough to start playing around with the registry
i am new to c cleaner .
i clicked on "issues" and up came several "missing dll!s " what do i do.. do i click on fix it. ?? i dont think i am experienced enough to start playing around with the registry
in general you can click Fix All. During the process it will ask you if you want to back up the registry, i suggest doing this (I have created a file in my CCleaner folder called back-up registry, then if you fix anything you think you needed, or if something stops working properly afterwards, you can reset them back to how they were before you fixed it. As these files are tiny, i don't really see the harm in keeping them for as long as need be.
hopefully this clears some things up.
I always fix them all, and make back-ups. But I've never needed to restore any of them. I delete them after a month.