Issues with safe overwrite

Have some files i need to "remove".

But no matter how much i over write them

im still able to revover them...

Any ideas?

Do you mean you can still see the file name and can recover the data clusters?

Recuva will not, and cannot, overwrite the file name. This is an NTFS restriction and cannot be overcome. The data clusters you recover are most likely to be filled with zeroes, as they have been overwritten. You can check this in Recuva Advanced mode by looking at the file header info.

Nope i meant the WHOLE file...

But its been taken care of now.

As it was i would RIGHT click on the drive

and do Search for removed files...

I then find the file in question and

do "overiwrite marked" or "ticked".

It would over write THAT file alone.

But after i close and repeat the

file could still be recoverd.

But last night i did a full sweep of the

drive and its gone.

My problem with this is that i have don

that first step before on other disks.

And the files would be gone, but not

on this one.

And the file name is also gone.