Issues publishing snapshot


I am having some serious issues with my PC right now and some of the help forums I am reaching out on are asking for a speccy snapshot. I was able to do it a few days ago but now that speccy link is 404'd. When I go to publish speccy snapshot it is giving me an error reading "Error connecting to publishing server". I cannot find anything online regarding this error.

Thank you.

I've asked the admin/dev team to look into your issue.

Server for getting SPECCY data has been Down 48 hours.

Just need to click a Speccy link to find out:

Since I have people use this alot on the NVIDIA forums, it stopped working sometime after Wednesday evening into Thursday Morning.

This is the IMAGE of the Page we see:

this has happened before but is generally a Temporary issue(less than 12hrs). This is the longest it has gone.


Thanks for reporting this, the team are looking into it. We will hopefully have the server back up and running soon

This should now be back up and running


Definitely back up and running.

Thank you.
