Issues Problem

When I run Issues in CCleaner, I get a columns marked Problems, Data and Registry Key. I don't understand what the problem is and after I run the cleaner, the next time I get the same problems. So can someone explain, please?

Many thanks. I use Windows ME.

When I run Issues in CCleaner, I get a columns marked Problems, Data and Registry Key. I don't understand what the problem is and after I run the cleaner, the next time I get the same problems. So can someone explain, please?

Many thanks. I use Windows ME.

Open With... (Application Name)

When I run Issues in CCleaner, I get a columns marked Problems, Data and Registry Key. I don't understand what the problem is and after I run the cleaner, the next time I get the same problems. So can someone explain, please?

Many thanks. I use Windows ME.

First all, don't repeat your same quotes, it's kind of spam-y

The issues tab needs to be done several times no matter what your system. Simply right click, "select all" and run the cleaner. Every single time the list will get less and less. You don't have to do until it reaches 0, though.

First all, don't repeat your same quotes, it's kind of spam-y

The issues tab needs to be done several times no matter what your system. Simply right click, "select all" and run the cleaner. Every single time the list will get less and less. You don't have to do until it reaches 0, though.

Sorry for the duplicate. I hit reply by mistake twice. Hope I don't do that again! But that was my first post and I got confused.

Don't worry about it. Progress, not perfection! :rolleyes: