issues problem

After long hesitations, i decided to download the latest version of cc 1.30.3. Anyway, when i do a scan for issues, I get the option to fix the issues. With this version It doesn't fix anything. I did many attempts to fix the issues one by one, & when it's all done & fixed, I do another scan for issues just to make sure there aren't any left. To my surprise the same issues keep coming up. I did this many times to no avail.

I never had this problem w/ older versionss.

Any help shedinh light on this would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Give this a shot and let us know if it works. :)

Thx for replying,

I downloaded dj's dial a fix, followed the steps until the end & then run a cc issues scan. I did find issues that need fixing( this time more issues than before :o . ) Then I fixed the issues & run another scan. result? No issues were found this time & I am very happy i might add.

Thank you for your help.

DJ, that's one fine piece pf software you got there, thank you.