It's probably something completely obvious that my sight is being selective about not noticing, but I can't find the tickbox that disables the cleaning of Windows Explorer folder options (Default views, sorting options, etc). Would someone politely point this out for me?
Try WindowsSize/Location Cache under the Advanced section.
the only one I have ticked in Windows Explorer is Thumbnail Cache and CC doesn't change my views or sorting etc.
what is your OS and CC versions?
can you show a screenshot of the other options you have under the Windows tab.
edit: ninja'd
"WindowsSize/Location Cache" is not one of the options I have ticked. Attached is a screencap of my currently enabled options (Win7 x64).
"WindowsSize/Location Cache" is not one of the options I have ticked. Attached is a screencap of my currently enabled options (Win7 x64).
Can I see a screen cap of the second tab (applications) too. Thanks
just as a test (as there should be no correlation), untick the 4 boxes you have under Windows Explorer and see if that changes the results.
do you use any CC enhancer, winapp2.ini or INCLUDE's ?
Can I see a screen cap of the second tab (applications) too. Thanks
just as a test (as there should be no correlation), untick the 4 boxes you have under Windows Explorer and see if that changes the results.
do you use any CC enhancer, winapp2.ini or INCLUDE's ?
I didn't notice any change, and no, I don't.
That's odd as that's the one that usually works
Window Size/Location Cache - When you open and close Windows Explorer, Windows records folder settings for window position, sort order, columns, folder type, toolbar toggles, and search result views.
I'll wait and see if Nergal or mta have any other ideas in mind while I'm thinking a bit more.
sadly, I'm up to the point of suggesting unticking all options, just to prove your view, sort order etc doesn't get changed, then one by one, ticking each option in turn until it goes pear-shaped.
sucks I know but within 10 or so minutes you'll know one way or the other.
I'll do that when I have the focus and the patience for it, then let you know what happens.
Well, I've tried it every which way, and there are many inconsistencies. I'm led to believe that the issue may be (shock! horror!) with Windows itself, not CCleaner. Similar issues have occurred in the past, such as Windows just 'forgetting' desktop icon arrangements, the images used for said icons, and so on.
Well, I've tried it every which way, and there are many inconsistencies. I'm led to believe that the issue may be (shock! horror!) with Windows itself, not CCleaner. Similar issues have occurred in the past, such as Windows just 'forgetting' desktop icon arrangements, the images used for said icons, and so on.
Windows at fault?????
Surely not
Great work on your part precon, I am going to try and send you a copy of the Windows Manual (when I can hire a lorry!)
No need Hazel, MS believe in the PICNIC theory.