I performed "scan for issues", fix issues, and re-ran the "scan for issues". The same issues re-appear. What may be wrong?
The entire same list? or just some? Any specific categories?
Exact same items in issues list.
Just to make sure ... as a final step, did you see a panel like this
and click either "Fix Issue" or "Fix All Selected Issues"?
You need to be logged in as an administrator to remove some of the issues.
I did have this screen, all items were checked, and "fix all issues" were clicked. After the items were supposedly fixed, I scaned for issues again, and the same issues re-appeard.
I have the same problem wether I'm logged in as administrator, or user. The only difference is, different issues appear. (Differnt issues between Admin. and user.) Scanning again ( as either administrator or user ) the same issues re- appear, depending on which user IS logged in.
Is it not recommeded to reboot after having 'Fixed' the issues? Or am I barking up the wrong tree on this?
The reason I ask is because I have the same problem. Upon fixing the issues and re-scanning the same ones re-appear.