I don't understand indexing.
Can you take at look at the setup for indexing displayed in this reply
Hello JonPaul,
You have a great handle there.
I saw your post related to this thread.
If you do "searching" in "your" files for certain names and phrases then you should leave this on.
The faster your computer is the less this option will slow you down.
However, many people do not need this kind of "searching" available on their PC.
If "you" don't then you can turn this off (DISABLE) or leave it on manual but (STOP) the service.
Most people "disable" this service. I put it on "manual" and "start" it when my slow PC is not being used to create a new index. I need this "index" to do searches in "my" specific files. There is a new Windows Search 4.0 that allows the user to build "indexes" for files that the user specifies and only those files. The old Search does not have this option and it "indexes" the whole volume. This can take quite awhile even running in the background as it does. If your PC has limited RAM or speed this will slow down your "surfing" or whatever you are doing at the time .
This Indexing service relates to the prior Windows Search.
Windows Search 4.0 has it's own Index Service and is listed in the Services list as Windows Search.
Turn either off or on as you need or don't need them. Without the indexes being up to date many "searches" will find nothing or they will report files that are no longer there.
PCs will run faster with this service Disabled.
Other "search" programs use their own indexing method. This is what Google does. As evidenced in this thread there are various "indexers" for various software products.
Regarding the message in this thread and in your other post, Windows will also give this message for reasons other than "indexing". This is especially true if your PC is a portable or laptop. If you leave this "extended length" program running it may draw down your batteries.
So it all comes down to the individual user to make these decisions.
Statistically most users don't need this service. Many businesses do.
Hope this helps you make yours with a little more information.
Good luck,