Issue after running CCleaner


For the last few months I have been getting the above box pop up when I try to shut down after running CCleaner.

It happens regardless of when I run CCleaner during any particular day, for instance I might run it immediately before shutting down, or I might run it a few hours before shutting down, either way the above box pops up.

If I don't run CCleaner then the computer shuts down fine.

Has anybody else experienced this?

If not, then would anyone be able to think of a reason for it?

Knowing the fact that you are an experienced user, I am sure you have been through all the usual possible reasons.

I forget are you XP or Vista?

When you click okay, what happens??

I'm sure you will have seen this

Any thing in common with those posters?

Read a couple of posts which users suggest this workaround

My current work-around to shutdown or restart my computer is to switch to a different User Name and select restart or shutdown from that User Name

Tried the user hive cleanup workaround?

Tried the user hive cleanup workaround?

User Hive cleanup is a definite possibility


The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when using Roaming User Profiles in a server environment or when using locked profiles as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.

On Windows 2000 you can benefit from this service if the application event log shows event id 1000 where the message text indicates that the profile is not unloading and that the error is "Access is denied". On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 either event ids 1517 and 1524 indicate the same profile unload problem.

To accomplish this the service monitors for logged off users that still have registry hives loaded. When that happens the service determines which application have handles opened to the hives and releases them. It logs the application name and what registry keys were left open. After this the system finishes unloading the profile.;displaylang=en

Windows Validation Required

Knowing the fact that you are an experienced user, I am sure you have been through all the usual possible reasons.

I forget are you XP or Vista?

When you click okay, what happens??

I'm sure you will have seen this

Any thing in common with those posters?

Read a couple of posts which users suggest this workaround

My current work-around to shutdown or restart my computer is to switch to a different User Name and select restart or shutdown from that User Name

Tried the user hive cleanup workaround?

Running XP on the computer in question.

My other XP computer and Vista computers don't experience this problem.

If I click OK, then try to shutdown again then the message pops back up, if I leave the computer for about 5 minutes after seeing the message then shutdown, the computer shuts down fine.

No, I've not tried the user hive clean up, but I will if you think it will help.

Windows Validation Required

That's no problem. ;)

I would certainly give the user hive cleanup a go, it certainly won't hurt anyway.

Let us know what happens capman.

No joy I'm afraid.

I wish I had found out it was Cleaner causing it straight away because then I could have reverted back to an older version at the time to see if it cured it.

What happens when you run CCleaner in safe mode and then attempt shutdown?

No joy I'm afraid.

I wish I had found out it was Cleaner causing it straight away because then I could have reverted back to an older version at the time to see if it cured it.

Hi Capman,

I often get this message when I have Indexing service on.

I turn it off most of time because of my limited 256 MB RAM and turn it back on in the PM to get a new index. This avoids much of the "search" mystery some users experience. I would imagine after using CCleaner the index needs a good update. You can also install the latest Windows Search 4.0 and it allows for "selective" indexing. I still use both.

You must have a pretty fast system, if it is "indexing" causing this as I notice the slow down right away for about 5 - 10 minutes at least.

All the MajorGeeks probably have it turned off so long ago they almost forgot about it. :lol:

:) davey

UPHClean is a must have for WinXP.

I have been away a couple of days but I just noticed a similar Post. However the strange thing that he reports is "nothing" running in task manager. I wonder if he meant Applications or processes ? Now I have some testing to do.

P.S. Of course now I can't recreate it.

UPHClean helped clear up my user hive slow shut down problem. There was conflict with Windows Defender and the space would not be released until restarting and UPHClean would take care of it at restart.

Are you using Windows Defender or something similar that insists on being the last process running?

Some A/V that may take awhile to shut down ?

I always thought the problem was Indexing service but it may have been something else as I can not get that message in my tests. I will continue tests.

P.S. Do you use "secure delete" most of the time ?

What are your Power Options settings on this PC versus your other PCs?

hazelnut, you are a star for all the time and effort you put into helping people.

davey, you are a star because you was on the right track.

One of the first things that I always do on a computer is turn the indexing service off, so I knew that was not the problem.

However it prompted me to fire up MSConfig and check my startups, there I found an indexing service installed by Nero, it apparently was a feature added to Nero 7. This tied in perfectly with everything because a couple of months back I was desperate to burn some CD's and Nero 7 was the quickest thing that I had to hand.

So with Nero indexing service turned off now all is back to normal.

Thanks for your help guys.

(Hopefully people who google this problem in the future will stumble across this thread and will be as happy as I am now)

I am so glad that you are sorted now Capman. There's a great feeling of relief when a baffling problem gets fixed isn't there?

Indexing is turned off by most people, makes you wonder why it's there in the first place so many people don't use it!!

Hope to see more of you Capman, your imput is always good. :)

I should of put more thought into it before, but I tend to be slacking with computers lately.

I will try to be around more often though. :)


Indexing was active on 2 of my computers,creating the same issue for me

I don't understand indexing.

Can you take at look at the setup for indexing displayed in this reply

Hello JonPaul,

You have a great handle there.

I saw your post related to this thread.

If you do "searching" in "your" files for certain names and phrases then you should leave this on.

The faster your computer is the less this option will slow you down.

However, many people do not need this kind of "searching" available on their PC.

If "you" don't then you can turn this off (DISABLE) or leave it on manual but (STOP) the service.

Most people "disable" this service. I put it on "manual" and "start" it when my slow PC is not being used to create a new index. I need this "index" to do searches in "my" specific files. There is a new Windows Search 4.0 that allows the user to build "indexes" for files that the user specifies and only those files. The old Search does not have this option and it "indexes" the whole volume. This can take quite awhile even running in the background as it does. If your PC has limited RAM or speed this will slow down your "surfing" or whatever you are doing at the time .

This Indexing service relates to the prior Windows Search.

Windows Search 4.0 has it's own Index Service and is listed in the Services list as Windows Search.

Turn either off or on as you need or don't need them. Without the indexes being up to date many "searches" will find nothing or they will report files that are no longer there.

PCs will run faster with this service Disabled.

Other "search" programs use their own indexing method. This is what Google does. As evidenced in this thread there are various "indexers" for various software products.

Regarding the message in this thread and in your other post, Windows will also give this message for reasons other than "indexing". This is especially true if your PC is a portable or laptop. If you leave this "extended length" program running it may draw down your batteries.

So it all comes down to the individual user to make these decisions.

Statistically most users don't need this service. Many businesses do.

Hope this helps you make yours with a little more information.

Good luck,

:) davey

I should of put more thought into it before, but I tend to be slacking with computers lately.

I will try to be around more often though. :)

I agree with Hazel. Your input is always helpful.

I didn't think about products like Nero having their own indexing programs but it only makes sense that they do. Your comments will definitely remind others to look into such product indexers.


:) davey

P.S. Everybody needs some slack time !

P.S.S. It only makes more sense related to running CCleaner since CCleaner cleans out the old index.

I agree with Hazel. Your input is always helpful.

I didn't think about products like Nero having their own indexing programs but it only makes sense that they do. Your comments will definitely remind others to look into such product indexers.


:) davey

P.S. Everybody needs some slack time !


My Grandmother lived in Dagenham and I have fond memories of visiting there on my Summer holidays to go visit The Tower of London, Trafalgar Square and sitting on the Woolwich Ferry for hours watching the big ocean ships going go by wanting to be a Sailor when I grew up.

I have Nero 7 installed as it came with my LG DVD burner CD but I don't see the Index capability so maybe I elected not to install that during the application installation.

I have plenty of slack time as I am retired but I don't let the Devil makes works for idle hands.

I too used to ride the Woolwich Ferry a lot, mainly just for fun, just by it on the South side of the water (the side I live on) there was a cinema, quite often after coming out of the cinema we would get the ferry over to the North side then back again.

Even now I will sometimes queue up to come over on the ferry rather than use one of the tunnels, even though the tunnels can be quicker and easier. But then again, I have always had a love of boats and water.

I've actually never visited The Tower of London or a lot of other London attractions come to that, despite living here all my life.

Trafalgar square was always a favourite though as a kid, it was nice to climb up on to the lions at the bottom of Nelsons column.

How did you end up in Canada then YoKenny?

I too used to ride the Woolwich Ferry a lot, mainly just for fun, just by it on the South side of the water (the side I live on) there was a cinema, quite often after coming out of the cinema we would get the ferry over to the North side then back again.

Even now I will sometimes queue up to come over on the ferry rather than use one of the tunnels, even though the tunnels can be quicker and easier. But then again, I have always had a love of boats and water.

I've actually never visited The Tower of London or a lot of other London attractions come to that, despite living here all my life.

Trafalgar square was always a favourite though as a kid, it was nice to climb up on to the lions at the bottom of Nelsons column.

How did you end up in Canada then YoKenny?

I loved visiting The Tower for the gleaming armor, old swords and Blunderbusses plus the nasty things that they used to make one confess their wrongs. I guess I'm just a young Bart Simpson at heart.

I have an old B/W picture somewhere of me with 5 pigeons on me standing in the square.

I was only 12 so I had to come to Canada in '57 as I could not get a job in the Coal Mines up in Durham as they forbid child labour a while back and my parents insisted that I come and that we could get another dog over there.

Hello JonPaul,

You have a great handle there.

I saw your post related to this thread.

If you do "searching" in "your" files for certain names and phrases then you should leave this on.

Good luck,

:) davey


Thank You