Is TOR working?

Hello, there are a direct download sites that, for free users only allow so many DL'S per day. But, I used to be able to open TOR and download on the site that I have exceeded my amount. Now, for uploaded.not when I go on TOR, it sstill says my limit was exceeded. now it would only know that if it recognized my IP correct? I downloaded the TOR bundle and it says I am configured and shows an IP that is not mine, but I am getting the same messsage. Any reason that this would be? I mean, if I am downloading from my firefox, then open tor, it should be like going back to that site from a toatally different computer all together right?

The site might've changed to detect your MAC address instead of IP address.

why are you asking here instead of a site that might have more readily available information on TOR. This being your first post on this site makes me mighty offence meant, if you are indeed honest in seeking help.

Let's see if the OP comes back and carries through a discussion. If not, then kill the thread as it would be subtle advertising and paid-for ad placement for the likes of or ..

Agreed though there are much better places to get support for TOR network. Why would folks, 1st-timers included, post on Piriform for non-Piriform products? I mean I think my first post here was CCleaner related..?

But of course, let's be sure.

Are we allowed to assist those who are violating restrictions imposed on free accounts ?

When I saw this topic last night I fully expected a Moderator slap down.

guess I was more worried of spam than of circumvention of license (that shows I'm getting old and jaded :blink: )

but you are correct topic closed. User banned, but with option of claiming innocence and asking readmission via email support)