Can you tell me if 'Cleaning the free disk Space' is a safe choose (you can choose it by Advanced, than the item below)?
And the same question by Internet Explorer, the 'History of Auto-Fill', (sorry for my translation from Dutch to English).
I'm happy that this programm is made in Italy (It's my favorite country, senza stranieri
I don't know if it's a good translation, but it's the same as my Signature: Sono l'aperto, onnest e sincero da me lo stesso o l'altri....!
Where did you read CCleaner was made in Italy ? I don't think so. (MrG's location is "London, UK")
Unless you are a total paranoid, Wipe Free Space is useless.
(And the Italian translation of your sig is wrong. "Sono aperto, onesto e sincero con me e gli altri" would be better)
I thought (I read something in the past) it was/is an Italian programm. I read it before the company Piriform, but if there are some thinkings by me and others, than I get some doubtful conscience
In the History of Autofilling from Internet Explorer, can I lost also the passwords of Firefox (one time it happens in the forlast version).... So without all passwords I must renew them.... It's the greatest reason why I'm here in this forum.
I tried also Defragler, but there is for now NO good defrag-programm for XP profes. 32- + 64-bit and Firefox. The programm of MS self is also not working well. It's a pitty that MS made such a bad programms.
Thanks for the translation, I use it every day in my e-mails.
In the History of Autofilling from Internet Explorer, can I lost also the passwords of Firefox (one time it happens in the forlast version).... So without all passwords I must renew them.... It's the greatest reason why I'm here in this forum.
I tried also Defragler, but there is for now NO good defrag-programm for XP profes. 32- + 64-bit and Firefox. The programm of MS self is also not working well. It's a pitty that MS made such a bad programms.
The cookies issue you're having is known as it pertains to Firefox and the signons .txt files ("signons2.txt, and signons3.txt") and has an active thread with people reporting and discussing it here.