After running Duplicate Finder Tool, and after removing duplicate files, I noticed plenty of wholly blank folders and/or wholly blank sub-folders.
Hence, wondering if there is a way to auto-delete totally blank folders and sub-folders?
After running Duplicate Finder Tool, and after removing duplicate files, I noticed plenty of wholly blank folders and/or wholly blank sub-folders.
Hence, wondering if there is a way to auto-delete totally blank folders and sub-folders?
from within CC, not that I know of.
personally, I'd do it from a command prompt with something like
FOR /F delims^= %A IN ('DIR/AD/B/S^|SORT/R') DO RD "%A"
if you run it from a Batch file, the %'s will need changing.
the RD command does not delete folders that aren't empty, so it should be safe - but have a backup on hand just in case.
or you could use command like XCOPY or ROBOCOPY (you don't mention what OS you have) and use the appropriate switch so empty folders aren't copied.
but really, there is probably little benefit.
if the empty ones are in personal folders, then you probably made them but if they are located in system folders, they are usually there for a reason.
they will either get recreated when some program runs, or some program will fail to run because an expected folder (empty or not) cannot be found.
And not every empty folder should be removed as some may break a program if removed
And not every empty folder should be removed as some may break a program if removed
Exactly. And it's impossible to know which program will have issues because of it. I've personally only ran across one program that vehemently refused to work after removing its always empty "AppData\ProgramName\Temp" folder.