A question to those who are using another firewall than the Windows built-in one : Why ?
I'm running XP. In XP the Windows Firewall does not control outgoing connections. Also my free firewall (Agnitum Outpost) is more feature-rich.
I use CIS mainly for its HIPS component. However the firewall is very useful to me as well. I use it to block all but several ICMP messages.
For people who do not like the 'complication' that using a software firewall can sometimes bring, windows firewall combined with antivirus and antimalware programs can be a good alternative.
Windows 7 seems to have improved its firewall
Also xp firewall can be altered somewhat to 'tighten' things up
Also vista
You will always get people who like to tinker with settings etc and software firewall can do this, but with safe surfing and good antivirus etc (plus sandboxie if you can) you can be safe with windows build it one.
Check out Icedrake`s Iced Tech blog !!
interesting comparison with firewalls