is it possialbe to get ccleaner to clear Firefox's last open/save locations ?


I noticed that Firefox (as well many other applications) remember your last open/save locations is there anyway to get CCleaner to clear those? I was looking at how to modify the Winapp2.ini file to include these usage tracks but i am not exactly sure where that information is kept and how to add it.

could anyone tell me how to do this?

wow still no replies...


Could someone Please at lest give this problem a try.

Are you refering to the drop down menu in Firefox 3? The so called Awesome Bar.

Best thing to do with that IMHO, is disable it completely.

Enter "about:config" (without quotes) into the address bar, click past the warning and scroll down to "browser.urlbar.maxRichResults". Double click that entry and change the default 12 to 0, then restart Firefox.

Alternately, an extension called Oldbar will give you back Firefox 2's dropdown behavior.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: Apologies for missing your posts.

Apologies for missing your posts.

OFF TOPIC: Don't worry about it this was the only question i had that still needed answering other then my post on how to detect folder which i still have some issues with i am probably going to see if i can TwistedMetal to help me with that since he was the one who posted winapp2.ini to being with. the your post on that was quite helpful and almost did what i wanted it to but not quite. it told me how to do what i wanted to under CCleaner but i was not able to port those setting to winapps2.ini so it was close but not quite.

On Topic: No i wasn't referring to any drop down menu. what i was referring to was Firefox's last download location. when you download a file Firefox remembers where you saved it i want to know how i can clear it's memory. i can do this trough Firefox it's self by ether going under tool/option/main/downloads and resetting where i want it to save all downloaded files but this is a pain.

in "about:config" it displays it as: ";" what i want to know is and how can i get CCleaner to delete this entry automatically or how can i disable this feature so that Firefox no longer remembers were i saved my last downloaded file.

On a Similar note: there are many other applications that emulate this behavior (Snagit for one) is there anyway i can globally disable this behavior? similar to how I permanently disabled my recent documents ( Or at worst individually add their entry into CCleaner as well?

i hope that helps clarify what i wanted to know.