Is CCleaner Enough?

I've been using CCleaner for years and I like it very much. However, I've been thinking of replacing it with either R-Wipe&Clean or Window Washer or perhaps some other privacy software.

Can anyone comment? Is one really any better than an another?

Thank you.

I can not comment on r-wipe&clean as never used it, As for WW i really dislike web roots software.

My opinion stick with ccleaner, i can not fault it or ever had an issue with it.

I think "light" registry cleaners like CCleaner are safer for inexperienced to intermediate members to use. Cause CCleaner is less likely to unintentionally delete potentially useful registry entries although there has been issues of it causing a few problems, registry cleaners that detect and fix more issues have more chances of making something not work.

I like CCleaner. Its the most widely used utility software out there because its free, its easy to install, easy to use and of course safer although its not technically the best registry cleaner so to answer your question, CCleaner does not have all the tools needed to give you that new PC feel but at least you will have less errors and less bugs to worry about lurking in your system.

However, if there are any other tweaking freeware I think you can use, you can try Advanced SystemCare Free. Its a bundle of tweaking apps that did not cause me any trouble apparently.

Thanks for your responses.

I've uninstalled R-Wipe and I'm only using CCleaner for cleaning. I bought JV16 Power Tools 2009 last year as registry repair software but typically still use CCleaner after I uninstall a program.

Thanks again.

iv never heard of JV16 Power Tools 2009, Just be careful some of these registry cleaners can be way to aggressive.

Always remember just because a key is listed, does not mean it should be removed. I'd also suggest using ERUNT

Thanks ident, I appreciate it.

Just to clarify ERUNT is a registry back up utility not a registry cleaner.

I forgot to mention that :lol:

JV16 Power Tools is a legit software, although I haven't used for many years after it became commercial software.

As for registry cleaning after uninstalling an application sure that's fine however you can actually do allot better than that by uninstalling programs with Revo Uninstaller Free then running your registry cleaner.

As for registry cleaning after uninstalling an application sure that's fine however you can actually do allot better than that by uninstalling programs with Revo Uninstaller Free then running your registry cleaner.

I would suggest to any one with a bit of money spare to up grade to pro.

Just to warn people, there has been a lot of paid apps that claim to top the ranks and the reviews on their websites just to get you to use their software.

Something that you could spend some money on could be scams and there are guys making counterfeit versions of CCleaner for example and ask money in return.

But I have to say that Microsoft's own tools for system repair and maintenance are rather slow and has not improved like what I wanted them to be.

Hello everyone,

for a good cleanup of your system

1. Msizapu.exe -> google it -> from cmd prompt : msizapu.exe G! (to removed installers that aren't needed)

2. Purera -> - Get those unwanted files gone.

3. javara -> - remove all those previous version of java that are clogging the drive.

4. from cmd -> powercfg -h off -> turning off hiberfil temporarely

5. ccleaner -> standard option + advanced (old prefetch data + iis log files + $Uninstaller )

6. Defraggler -> settings - > options -> defrag -> move large checked minimum 1MB -> move only -> add *.dll *.msp *.cab *.log

7. Pagedefrag -> for the pagefile.sys that needs to be defragged.

8. Reboot

This should be the cleanest OS drive you can get.


1. Msizapu.exe -> google it -> from cmd prompt : msizapu.exe G! (to removed installers that aren't needed)

I used to use that myself however I've stopped using it because for some odd reason it can make some installations go haywire and need to be repaired.