Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm new to all this stuff and was having a hard time figuring out how and where to start a new topic. ![:)]()
For a while now my computer has been giving me a "this item you're trying to download may have a virus so we deleted it!" message EVERY time I try to download anything. Today after googling the problem (again) one of the things that came up was that CCleaner may be doing it. I might have inadvertantly changed some setting so I thought I'd ask on here if there's a setting I could change that could remedy this? It's really become a problem for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
What anti-virus do you use?
Is it only when you try to download CCleaner that this happens, or does it happen with anything you try to download ?
Hello Karen and welcome to the forum. I just did a Google search by copying and pasting the same phrase you used. The results are not encouraging:
Have you scanned your machine for viruses/malware lately? I suspect it has nothing to do with CCleaner and is possibly caused by malware or a rootkit.
Hi, thanks for responding. Yes, it deletes anything that I try to download, Hazelnut. Derek, it's very possible it's something else causing this. I have Microsoft Security Essentials but I've read that there are fake versions out there, so I'm hoping I didn't end up with one of those. That does run every week and I also run the CCleaner periodically. BUT, I have noticed that the security package that came with my pc has been disabled and I cannot re-enable it, so possibly there is a virus of some kind on here. I feel like I know so little about computers that all these technical do-it-yourself things I keep reading to fix the problem are beyond me. I guess I may have to break down and actually buy an anti-virus software. ![:)]()
. . . I may have to break down and actually buy an anti-virus software.
You don't need to buy cos there's plenty of free help. See Hazelnut's links.
Not being able to update or use your antivirus software is a usually a sign that malware of some sort has taken hold of your system. And not being able to download and install software that can fix the problem limits what you can do. If you have access to another computer, try finding antivirus/malware removal software that is portable, in other words, something you can install to a USB stick or burn to a DVD that allows you to scan and remove the problem without running Windows. Please read the links that kroozer and I have provided, there is some helpful information there. I would offer some ideas of what software to use but forum rules prohibit members from offering advice directly.
Wow, those links had some very comprehensive stuff!! Thank you all so much. I'm trying some of the steps now.
If you indeed have a zero access trojan please DO NOT try to remove it yourself unless you are used to dealing with the removal of malware. This is because some malware bring along 'friends' and all remnants need to be gone and in some cases essential Windows services turned back on.
Get help from one of the malware removal forums I linked to..... now