Is CCleaner completely safe as far as Registry?

The " Show prompt to backup registry issues " box is checked, however I receive no prompt. I am nervous about hitting the " Run Cleaner" button without being sure of a backup and how to access it . I am not tech savvy and do not want to do something that might screw up the registry. Suggestions please...

The prompt should appear when you press fix selected issues. Have you pressed that button?(that isn't the final step to fix the issues so its ok to press it even if the prompt doesn't show up.)

I'm going to be honest with you and say that ccleaner is the only registry cleaner that I allow to fix everything it finds without making backups. I have been using it for years and I trust it 100%. :)


Also just to clarify. :lol:

CCleaner only makes back ups of the issues scan. The cleaner only cleans junk from programs(like logs, most recently used lists ect.) Making back ups of junk would be counter productive. :D

If your nervous about using ccleaner I suggest you look at the beginners guide before using it:

The prompt should appear when you press fix selected issues. Have you pressed that button?(that isn't the final step to fix the issues so its ok to press it even if the prompt doesn't show up.)

I'm going to be honest with you and say that ccleaner is the only registry cleaner that I allow to fix everything it finds without making backups. I have been using it for years and I trust it 100%. :)


Also just to clarify. :lol:

CCleaner only makes back ups of the issues scan. The cleaner only cleans junk from programs(like logs, most recently used lists ect.) Making back ups of junk would be counter productive. :D

If your nervous about using ccleaner I suggest you look at the beginners guide before using it:

Thank you very much...Timbo57