Iron Man

Just got back from watching Iron Man. It was better than I thought it would be, it's like Transformer.... They pulled it off good.

There is something after the credits.

I want to see it too! ;)

Not to make fun of you but you've quadruple posted this thread, trying to tell us it was that good! :lol::P

Oh, it's not an animation. I thought it was. That's good, very good, that it's not.

I want to go and see it tonight or tomorrow. It looks really good! The action looks to be sweet.


Just got back to from this awesome movie.

I would say its better than spiderman 1&3 but a little lower than 2.

I wont give any spoilers but for an action movie I felt the finale fight scene was VERY weak.

The movie is mostly character building and luckily Downy jr. is fun to watch because I'm not sure anyone else would have been able to pull it off. I however cant wait for a sequel.

Now I'm really pumped for Dark Knight and Indy. :D

Oh forgot to mention the Hulk trailer.

Looks to me like Hulk is finally going to get the movie he deserves!

Didn't know there was an Ironman movie. I should get out more. ;)

I really want to see this movie. Gotta try to make some time to go see it.