iPod Lawsuit?

A man is suing Apple apparently because his iPod may damage his hearing sometime in the future. Or not.

"Patterson does not know if the device has damaged his hearing, said his attorney, Steve W. Berman, of Seattle. But that's beside the point of the lawsuit, which takes issue with the potential the iPod has to cause irreparable hearing loss, Berman said."

I have a theory. In his particular case the iPod just seems too loud because of the constant echoing inside his empty skull where normally there would be a brain.


After filing the lawsuit he went to eat lunch at a McDonalds. They forced him to eat Big Macs, fries, and a milk shake. Now he fears that sometime in the future he may get fat. Or not.

<sarcasm>for your next media player, an iRiver H140 is always a nice choice with the RockBox replacement</sarcasm>

so basically iPods can cause hearing loss. that's just plain stupid of Apple to do something like that.

That is pathetic. Obviously listening to music at 115 dB with headphones on is stupid and detrimental, but what if you have external speakers hooked up? That extra fifteen decibels could make a world of difference.

Now, thanks to some dumbasses' lawsuit, iPods will lose some of their ability. So the moron ends up with a couple extra bucks, and the entire rest of the world gets that much less of a product. Plus, Apple has to suffer for making a good product!

but using a headset will damage hearing for sure... is that guy complaining crazy...?

but using a headset will damage hearing for sure... is that guy complaining crazy...?

First I'd like to say "Where have you been agumon?" and "Glad you're back!"

The guy is either crazy or really, really, really, really stupid. The problem is that compared to his lawyer he looks like a genius. So no one notices...

thanks pal...

glad to be back too...!!!
