I guess this means we'll never get lost
I suppose it's useful if you suspect your other half is cheating but you know it's not just the iPhone that keeps tabs on you.
Mobile phone networks also have the ability to track and record your location by triangulating the signal strength and timing from your handset - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone_tracking
Big Brother is still watching
Richard S.
I'm not sure why people are surprised about this..... I think the big shocker is that it's stored completely unencrypted!
I'm not sure why people are surprised about this..... I think the big shocker is that it's stored completely unencrypted!
Yeah, this. And it's backuped by iTunes, too.
Android and WP7 track your location too, but from what I read Android doesn't backup it and WP7 doesn't even store it - it's directly sent to MS.
And - according to my info - that information is stored for ever in the US by the CIA, FBI, ..... I've heard some frightning stories.
There's the FISA law on the books that allows the US to snoop on data traffic coming out and going into the US. So, if one would send an email from Europe to South America and that email would physically/electronically go through the US then that email would be stored in the US, thanks to the FISA law. Scary thoughts.