Seems using Apples's new iO7 can make you sick
Seems using Apples's new iO7 can make you sick
I saw a little snippet about it on the TV news the other day.
I think it's time that the government step in and protect us from such a dangerous product, as well as ourselves. The new boot screen should probably include the following:
"The Surgeon General of the United States has determined that using this product may cause nausea, dizziness, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, or skin rash. Do not use this product more than four times a day, limiting each use to one half hour or less. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while using this product. Children under the age of four should not use this product. People who are prone to epileptic seizures should avoid using this product. Prolonged use of this product may cause distraction or inattentiveness, resulting in death when the user steps out in front of a city bus."
Note: I do not practice sarcasm. I live it.
... but with downgrading to iOS 6 now disabled Apple has left many customers high and dry.
Leaving customers high and dry seems to be a consistent Apple trait.
I think it's time that the government step in and protect us from such a dangerous product...
Some video games come with a warning if they'll cause nausea, etc. I don't know if it's required by law but the Sony PS3 comes with an epilepsy warning.
If you watch too long you'll need an iDoctor. MMmmuuaahaahaa.
"Sir, cause of death appears to be dehydration, brought about by a vomiting fit caused by iOS 7"
"Looks like he should have gone
( •_•)>⌐■-■
i think we (the human race) are all becoming a little too precious....
Could be those Zeta Waves.
Maybe the nausea is morning sickness