Inused File Ext

When I check for issues then select to fix these issues it don't fix some Unused file extensions. Why not? Am I not doing something or what?

welcome to the forums :D

what extensions arent being deleted?

if its some that are used most of the time, the program may just be recreating them.

welcome to the forums :D

what extensions arent being deleted?

if its some that are used most of the time, the program may just be recreating them.

It just says like.... Unused File Exten .3g2. and such. What ever they are there is 322 of them and they're not being

Thanks for the welcome too!! :)

are you using the latest version of CC?

this was fixed for most people.

just for referance, what OS are you running?

if your using the latest version, this program usually gets rid of all those reappearing issues,

Thanks Fires....Looks like that might help. I'll check it out tomorrow...for now going to sleep. This computer has given me a headache trying to solve problems on here, next I get to conquer figuring out why I can't install better yet I might just throw this whole thing away!! LOL!! Thank for your help and I'll let you know if it works tomorrow.

Sometimes you have to run the Issue scanner 2-3 times for it to delete all stuff.