Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but ran CCleaner for yonks on W98, now with xp, internet explorer wont let me download. Can you help. Already have Regcleaner which I got off a disc and now xp.anti-spy.Cheers TIA
You need to describe your problem better.
You talk something about "yonks" dont know what it means, then you refer to Windows 98 (I suppose) dont know what that statement would have in relevance of you running it on what I assume is Windows XP, dont know if its on same computer, etc or if it went good on 98 but bad on XP.
You dont explain why it wont let you download, if it display any error or if nothing happends when you try to download somehting, if it is a certain file you try to download or if its not possible to download anything.
You talk about Regcleaner, and I dont know what it is, I suppose it is a registry cleaner, but you dont provide any link to it.
You just state you have it, havent told if you have tried it without positive results, etc you dont mention which disc you got it from.
You talk about xp.anti-spy and we dont know what it is, suppose it is some Anti Spyware tool for Windows XP but you didnt supply link or how it would be of any relevance.
When you ask a question, you have to explain everything of relevance and if you use some other software you have to explain what it is, where to get it and how it would be of relevance.
No idea why that happend or how to fix it.
Are you downloading from this site or a mirror ( Try using a differant location to download.
Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but ran CCleaner for yonks on W98, now with xp, internet explorer wont let me download. Can you help. Already have Regcleaner which I got off a disc and now xp.anti-spy.Cheers TIA
If need be I can PM you a private mirror.