After running CCleaner I noticed now several times the cache size for the Temporary Internet Files got reset from 250MB to 50. Is there a way to trace what exactly is setting this back to 50?
After locating the registry entry and denying change or deletion to this value it somehow got reset to 50 yet again after using CCleaner and restarting afterwards.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\Cache\ContentCacheLimit
Nobody got any ideas?
CCleaner doesn't touch this key, so it must be something else.
After locating the registry entry and denying change or deletion to this value it somehow got reset to 50 yet again after using CCleaner and restarting afterwards.
Hi anotherday,
Just a few questions that may trigger some others memories.
Is this value being reset by possibly another program at startup such as an admin batch job or script?
Are you on a network?
What is the value immediately before and then after running CCleaner?
These answers helps evaluate your problem.Just fill in answers next to questions?
CCleaner version ?
OS and version ?
Browsers and ver.?
Security software and ver?
Provide a list of your Applications tab.
Other data you think might be relevant?
What did you do and then what happened?