Please find attached bug report
Although your PDF is nifty in the future can you just post regular screenshots and give the information.
Reason being not everyone is going to trust downloading and running an attachment, albeit yours is verified as 100% clean by Jotti and MetaScan Online.
I see no bug.
For performance reasons my browser cannot open PDF's
and I have too much of a life to waste time downloading a PDF and launching a reader.
Bug report downloaded and reuploaded as a viewable attachment
in a nutshell, you are concerned that after cleaning Temporary Internet files with ccleaner you have lost some (but not all) of your Site Icons? Is this the correct understanding?
Creation by a CCleaner user of a 395 KB PDF seems a little excessive ! !
Alan, I know you mean well, but that last post is usless and harmful to the Original poster getting the help they do deserve. I already uploaded a better attachment for them, there is no more use to discuss the original attachment.
To Nergal,
Yes, My concern is that after cleaning Temporary Internet files with Ccleaner I lose Favorite Icons placed in folders but not icons straight on the favorite line.
This applies to IE9 on Win7, IE9 on Vista is OK. (Latest Ccleaner version 3.10.1525)