Defrag is great for most files which function optimally in a linear sequence; however...
Those of us who do digital audio processing know that files created in a multitrack rendering process are best left as-is; and defragging can significantly degrade performance of those files, especially in a latency sensitive environment (like a live performance). Even moving a file can linearize it and degrade performance.
'Defraggler' is great in that you can opt not to defrag these files, but would be much improved if it had the option to "interleave" files in a selective manner (selected files, file types and/or files within selected folders, etc.)
[Per the rules of this forum] I won't mention another utility which does this, but the interleave algorithm is well proven and effective in "undoing the evils of defrag". Defraggler would become a favorite utility for those of us who do multitrack audio on Windows if it had this feature (note that most professional audio folks use Mac and/or Linux).
This is a new one on me, and most likely to a few of the other guys.
I think the program you're referring to must be AnalogX Interleave, which I've no problem mentioning and linking to as it's a free program and may be of interest to other members, and I don't see it as being a competitor to Defraggler.
If it is another defrag program, then you can of course mention it as I'm not aware of a defragger which can do this with audio files, or whether it would actually make a difference.
I've seen a few reports from folk who believe it does, and some expressing scepticism.
Personally, I think this process is in the jurisdiction of a specialised program like AnalogX, but it's a suggestion all the same, and for me at least, quite interesting.
I've known of that program for years and tried it many years ago. However when I have tracks on my system from my band and my own solo stuff I just don't defrag the drive until I've finished my projects.
I've known of that program for years and tried it many years ago. However when I have tracks on my system from my band and my own solo stuff I just don't defrag the drive until I've finished my projects.
While interesting to know, I am even more interested in other factors that come into play, such as...
Would it really matter on a high end PC, or are you running lower or mid level PC's? (Slower pc's)
When run on SSD drives, does it really matter?
Would be interested in knowing how interleave affects high-end machines, or SSD based machines.