Interesting Website

You can check it out here.

How long did you wait before you decided he wasn't coming back?

How long did you wait before you decided he wasn't coming back?

Oh, good! I wasn't the only one. About 3 minutes (I'm a patient kind of guy).

not that that isn't funny, and i'm not even wondering what type of person makes such a site, but i really have to wonder how other people stumble across it...aww the internet, what a glorious tool of our age...

PS: i love the lounge, never know what randomness will show up next

It isnt interesting at all imho.

And thank god most 404 dont use flash.

hmmm.. thats why your an "annoyance"

Another intesesting site is this

I just ran a few things through it such as kobrakommander, and also lunarsoft...

most interesting!!!

Ok, Ok, Lie.

You have just deeply offended me, laze hunt.

He's not coming back?

what the hell are you talking about?

Another intesesting site is this

I just ran a few things through it such as kobrakommander, and also lunarsoft...

most interesting!!!

I thought I was scared when I thought it was Cannibal Week.

George W Bush = He Grew Bogus

Tony Blair = Liar By Ton

You might have mentioned anagrams are psychic and can predict the future :o!

Paranormal aspects aside, looks like a fun site. Thanks!

Honest news!

therefore, you must accept what i say as the absolute truth, and nothing but, bc clearly i will not tell but the honest truth!

pork and beans = On bad spanker

What on earth did we do before the internet?

By the way kobrakommander, you are "maker or bad knob", lol


is the same whether you read it from left to right OR right to left. It is also the same in a mirror image.

yeah i know im a maker or bad knob, if you take Hazel Nut, it will become HazelNut, how ingenious of a program. haha


is the same whether you read it from left to right OR right to left.

So is "Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog", without the punctuation, of course. Thank you Weird Al Yankovik.

[sarcasm] And wow, "hazelnut"! I would've never come up with that! [/sarcasm]

what the hell are you talking about?

what the hell are you talking about?

You wrote that Hazel Nut became Hazelnut. I wrote:

[sarcasm] And wow, "hazelnut"! I would've never come up with that! [/sarcasm]

That was sarcasm, because in fact, given enough time, there is a good chance that I would've come up with that. :D

nah nvm w/e