i like the diagnostic one.
Nice program, very comprehensive. Thanks!
However, it won't let me register, says I can't use a free e-mail account, which is all I have so I can't use the Benchmark feature ...
Really? I used one of my gmail accounts, and it worked just fine.
I wouldnt get it. IF the software require you to supply them with your email, then something is not right, you should take that as a warning sign.
There is no reason why your email address would be needed for you to download anything. And if they want to be anal and not allow you to signup with many free email account, then dont bother with them.
There are plenty of other software that wont try to force you to give up your email address.
You could also try to enter a bogus address such as abc123@moo.abc123cba321.com that way they wont send you spam and sign you up for any possible silly newsletters.