I put a check only in that Windows Explorer -->Run box, unchecked everything else, and then hit: Analyze..it showed 0 Bytes.
I know I have about 40 or so entries in Start-->Run
Wouldn't Analyze have given me some sort of list as to what is in there?
Some things are not even analyzed for content.This is one of them.
Don't forget to uncheck that box.
You might try taking a snapshot of all those entries.That way you will have a list.
I am sure there is another way but none comes to mind off hand.
Isn't it ironic that 33 years ago all we had were those commands to do everything we wanted to do.
What a pain for a non-typist like me.
It was me,my TRS-80,Bill Gates DOS,and Bill Gates Basic.It wasn't long before I was out of that scene.
Left a bitter taste in my mouth for a long,long time.
I didn't want to write programs all day and come home to write some more.
P.S. A little off topic but good advice any way.I help my friend keep his PCs running properly at his auto repair shop.It is a little known fact but most mechanics hate working on their own car.
I did delete the Histroy from the IE7 browser, and that did cause those run items to be lost.
Fortunately, I was able to reconstruct much of the list. Though not all of it.
Seems this may vary from PC to PC or perhaps its something peculiar to the configuration?
In any case, I'll remember never to delete the history item again.
Windows XP Professional Edition SP3
It has only been 2 days and I have had a hard time keeping up with all the threads.
Anyhow, I had this great thread right on the tip of my right brain and it just wouldn't come to me.
After about maybe a hundred train loads passing by it finally came out.
You have probably seen this thread before also.This ought to clear out some cobwebs.It did for me and the cobwebs were only 4 or 5 months old. When I first read this thread I didn't realize the value of the data presented.Now I know. Bookmark it. http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/01/12/512232.aspx
Enjoy your refresher course.I did.
P.S. Yes,even though it was 2 years ago,still the same "winers" about too many clicks.
I remeber when a "click" meant the difference between someone living or dying.
I'm wondering if there's a specific file somewhere on the PC which lists those run items. I'd then exclude that file from CCleaner, much the same as I can exclude certain cokies or folders as things are now.. Or alternatively, I can convert it to a text file so as to readily reconstruct it. I'd rather not do anything in the registry about this....
Thanks again for the referral to that MSDN article: