Intel 4004 35th Anniversary Project

Intel 4004 35th Anniversary Project <== Sort of looks like downtown Manhattan N.Y. to me


That's interesting stuff. 1971 seems such a long time ago.

That goes along with Moore's law:'s_law

IBM was doing the same thing back in '65 with its SLT chips:,M1

Back in early '71 I was spending 3 months down in Kingston N.Y. learning the 360 Model 65 and it does seem like a long time ago.

So you will have first hand experience of the amazing strides in development in 30 years. I can't imagine what stuff will be like in 30 years from now. Assuming I'm still around.

Back in the 70's things like Video Phones were in science fiction programs like Moon Base. (Loved those outfits.)

So you will have first hand experience of the amazing strides in development in 30 years. I can't imagine what stuff will be like in 30 years from now. Assuming I'm still around.

Hmmm, it is interesting to think what things will be like in the future. For example, I wonder when 1GB bandwidth for Internet becomes an option with your typical Home ISP. :P I hope it is within my time. :wub:

The rest of this topic is a bit past my time or too advanced for me so ...yeah. :P